Smudging does not have to be ceremonial, it can be a part of your daily rituals or practise too. If you need a little boost today, carve out a few minutes to connect to Momma Gaia through your root chakra and Father Sky through your crown chakra.
Take a few deep breaths, inhaling good vibes, renewed energy, magic and strength from the sky and exhale releasing any frustrations sadness or low energy emotions into the earth, allowing her to transform and heal you.
Smudge yourself with some Lavender Custom Sage. By bringing this ally you restore and energize. It replaces chaos with balance and facilitates a peaceful atmosphere. It also attracts loving energies and allies.
Custom Lavender Smudge Blend is available at Essential Energy Healing
Cynthia is a Reiki Master Teacher and practitioner, a Warrior Goddess Facilitator, Wellness Warrior - Lupus Thriver and a moon momma practicing in Central Alberta
