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You are NOT meant to heal alone...

Writer's picture: Cynthia SebryCynthia Sebry

How have you been holding up?  Life has been chaotic at best and if you're a momma with little ones, my thoughts are with you and the decisions you'll be required to make that's best for your family during this time. This summer has been SHORT.  Again.  A lot of rain, not much sun, or FIRE energy, right?  It already feels like fall is in the air and I for one am not ready. Someone once shared with me that she wished we could live our lives sitting in circle. How beautiful would that be? We were not meant to heal alone. Circle medicine instantly provides connection.  Emotionally. Physically. Mentally. It’s everything. I believe in the magic that gets ignited in these spaces. I have seen so much healing happen. Circle medicine has fed me deep love.  These are spaces that inspire deeper learning and understanding where you can have transformative experiences. You discover the essence of what makes you the beautiful, kind, unique soul that you are. Within the safety of the circle you can truly breathe and honour your whole being. Join the nurturing community of Sacred Sisterhood this year where I've seen so many huge shifts in those who commit to themselves on this journey.  It's transformational & I hope to see you there!

We start SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2020 | Registrations are now open - If this is calling to you, please book your complimentary 1:1 via Zoom with Cynthia to see if this is a good fit for you OR, if you know you're in, please get yourself registered!

You are whole.  You are powerful.  You are divine.​

When you read these words do you feel the truth of them ringing in your bones?

Or do you instead feel the muffling weight of self-judgment and self-doubt?

Perhaps you have a deep-seated belief that you are not good enough, and as a result you have tried the exhausting process of seeking value outside of yourself throughout your life. 

Do you judge yourself harshly for falling short of perfection, or do you become your own worst critic, rather than your best friend and ally?

Are you ready to break through the self-judgment and self-doubt to become the woman you were meant to be?

If you don’t love and honour yourself with every fibre of your being, if you struggle with owning your power and passion, if you could use more joyful play and simple presence in your life, then it is time for an inner revolution.

Your 9 Month Rebirthing Rite of Passage 2020- 2021 Warrior Goddess Sisterhood Circle 

Here's what some of our Warrior Goddess Sisterhood Circle from 2019 - 2020 have to say about this deep dive into loving who you are!

Sylvia Russel Parsons ~ Testimonial

As a retired school teacher, I am a firm believer in continuing the quest to learn and improve. I recently completed a nine month course on how to be a true "Warrior Goddess". This course was held monthly at Essential Energy Healing by our wonderful true Goddess Cynthia Muise Sebry.   I went into it thinking that it would be academic and something fun to learn. I had no idea it would challenge me to my very being and change my life. For those of you who know me well, you know that I am a rather anxious, high strung, individual who is often prone to self doubt. I did not realize that I was hanging on so tight to the negative that I forgot about the good. I was beginning to think that "retirement" was the end of the story. Not so at all. I did not want to face those fears but I am proud to say that I came face to face with "the shadows" and walked out the other side a much stronger person.  Instead of free floating through space, I learned how to ground myself. I learned that I deserved to be happy. I was given a gigantic "toolbox" by Cynthia and I put those tools to use. I faced a lot of fears that I had thought were safely hidden away. I learned that I am a worthy person, a person who deserves to be loved and to love in return, I learned to be more accepting of myself and others, and to align myself with others on the same journey. And, we are all on the same journey ... each and every one of us ... face the same trials and tribulations in life. We often let these things scar us, preventing us from becoming the person we deserve to be. I often felt that I was held together by loose string and if I stepped in any direction .. I would fly apart.  Well, on the other side of the nine month course, I am happy to report that I survived. Not only survived but thrived and the journey is not over yet. Inside each of us is a strong "warrior goddess" just waiting to come out. I have learned what works for me. I can ground myself, I can meditate, I can calm my "anxious soul", I can reach out to my fellow sisters for help and know I will receive it, I can calm my "racing heart" through breathing techniques, meditation, and music. I am far less afraid of the world out there. I made myself a prison because of many insecurities but with Cynthia's help and the help of my sisters, I am transforming into the person I was meant to be. Breaking free and looking forward to the future. Being a woman can be hard in this world with all the roles we juggle, many of us can just freeze and stay in one stage too long. It is never too late to transform your life. We each have this one day and the promise of tomorrow.  Each day is a blessing. One needs to treat it as such. Get up and live your best life.  I say YES to myself.  And, I say YES, to Cynthia who led me through this journey.   If you want to know more about my journey just ask, or better yet check out Cynthia at Essential Energy Healing. Cynthia doesn't sugar coat it and quite honestly if she did, I would have been gone. She tells it like it is ... and for that she gets my eternal love.  This is my "tribe" of women who know the real me and have my back anyway.  I love you!!! Sylvia​​​​

In the upcoming 2020-2021 Sisterhood Circle, we're diving deep into healing with THE DARK GODDESS!!! The Dark Goddess helps us release our deepest traumas, deepest fears and most unconscious blocks and patterns from this life, past lives, ancestral lines, and absorbed collective energies. She is a fierce champion of our souls and will stop at nothing to remove any obstacles holding us back from our deepest truths and highest potentials! Radical liberation, fierce grace and profound transformation are the gifts the Dark Goddess bestows upon us. When we step into the energy and the practices of the Dark Goddess, as we do in this workshop, we take a journey into the deeper, more hidden realms of Self. These realms are powerful access points for true reclamation of self.  The Dark Goddess liberates, transforms and loves with such ferocity that even our deepest, darkest energies and longest standing patterned ways of being don't stand a chance.  There is nowhere within our being, our psyche or our energetic system that She can't access.  There is no trauma, no wound, no ancestral patterning and no karmic imprint she can't release or alchemically transform. She is Shadow Worker, Fierce Liberator, Radical Transformer and she will stop at nothing in order to gift you your everything! This online workshop is a fiercely transformative yet love-filled way to explore the Dark Goddess in a very safe and very sacred way. You'll Especially Love This VIRTUAL Workshop If You Feel Called To:

  • Start or continue your own shadow work

  • Find your voice and speak your truths

  • Stand in your power

  • Create healthier boundaries with others

  • Open to the fierce, radical, transformative love that is unique to the Dark Goddess

  • Release dormant, stored or blocked energy

  • Unlock deep primal wisdom and raw life force energy contained within the body

  • Uncover deeper truths within that will further you on the path to ‘know thyself’

  • Meet and embrace aspects of your shadow to remove the unwanted and reclaim what has been missing

  • Bring healing and light to the most shame-filled, denied or hidden aspects of woman

  • Clear, heal and bring light to the lower chakras, allowing more of your divine expression and true nature to come through

  • Step into radical acceptance of self; including the reclamation of lost, hidden or buried aspects of self

Know you're ready to say hell ya, I'm in?  Then click here to take you to the registration page.

If you're being called but not sure if this is the right path of higher healing for you?  You can read what the Sisterhood is all about, or please give me a call at 403-391-4117 to see if it's a good fit or not.


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